Загадка ¶
(Большая благодарность Александру.)
Кого и когда примерно называли этим титулом? (Титул подлинный.) Дополнительно. Кто это делал?
Great Lord Emperour et great duke ... of all Russia, Volodimeria, Muscovia, Novogorodia, Emperour of Casania, Emperour of Astracantia, Lord of Plescovia, great duke of Smolenia, Tueria, Vgoria, Permia, Vatia, Bolgaria, and manie other landes, Lord and great duke of Nowgorodia in the lowe Countries, Cernigovia. Rezantia, Poloscia, Roscovia, Jaroslavia, of the white lake, Ondorsa, Obdorsa, Conditia, and of the countries of the north partes and of all Siberia lande Commander, the Lord of the inheritannce of Livonia et of manie other countries of the south, north, east, et west belonginge to his highnes his heires et successors.