Вопрос по Советской армии 1980-х ¶
на англоФАИздесь сцепился[HTML_REMOVED] с почитаелями таланта томаса нашего Клэнси. Одно из утверждений:
Nope. It would probably be far more of a suprise than the "real" RSS attack, which had been suspected for months (or at least weeks). The first days would be far easier for the Red Army. But then the problems would arise:
The Red Army wasn't ready to fight a war. Corruption, institutional laziness, political dogma, too little and non-realistic training and too little field time (flying hours for pilots and so on) for the regulars.
The Soviet Union would have too coordinate everyting from supplies to political goals with the rest of the Warzav Pact — and three days would be to short for that.
To place submarines and Spetznaz in position would take longer time than three days.
The support for the war would be very limited, even among the Soviets themselves.
The civil economy would die. Fuel rations, all heavy vehicles taken by the military and young men being mobilized (which never had been done, so the effect would be unknown) would lead to big problems. The next harvest wouldn't survive these losses, and the only countries that SU could import from are the enemy.
Соответственно вопрос: может кто из форумчан прокоментировать данное утверждение о СА обр 1986 года?
А моя душа захотела на покой,
Я обещал ей не учавствовать в военной игре,
Но на фуражке на моей серп и молот и звезда,
Как это трогательно серп и молот и звезда,
Лихой фонарь ожидания мотается,
и все идет по плану
Егор летов "Все идет по плану"