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Upon hearing of this defeat, General Lützow withdrew his forward troops and established a defensive position at Christiania. The Swedish forces advanced and, leaving a greatly strengthened garrison in Akershus fortress at Christiania, on March 19 Lützow withdrew to Bragernes in Drammen. The Norwegian scorched earth policy and guerrilla raid interdiction of supply chains by the residents of Bohuslän denied Charles of supplies[citation needed]. Further, the Norwegian fortresses behind his lines threatened his retreat if he became seriously weakened in combat. Charles took the city of Christiania, but without heavy siege artillery was unable to take Akershus Fortress.
After a brief occupation of Christiania, Charles retraced his steps to the Norwegian fortresses in south-eastern Norway with the objective of capturing them, particularly Fredriksten. This would remove the threat at his back, and they were to serve as the base for his offensive later that year, as well as capture of the harbours at mouth of the Glomma river, which would allow him to land the necessary provisions for a successful siege of Akershus.
Charles' troops attempted to take Fredriksten by storm on July 4th. His troops took the town after fierce fighting, but the citizens set fire to their homes and Charles, unable to take the fortress, was forced to retreat and await the heavy guns from Swedish Dynekilen.
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Карл XII не теряя времени сформировал большое войско и 8 марта 1716 года вторгся в Норвегию . С 10 тысячами драбантов он двинулся на Кристианию, где 21 марта начал осаду крепости Аггерхус.
6 апреля 1716 года датский адмирал Габель вышел в море с 7 кораблями, 6 фрегатами и 4 шнявами, имея на борту два пехотных полка, и отправился в Норвегию. Высадив солдат он облегчил положение у Аггерхуса и Фридерикштадта (Фридерикстаде), а 23 апреля поддержал огнем атаку захваченного шведами Мосса у Кристиансен-фьорда. Шведы, получившие отпор, отошли к Фридерикштадту, расположенному около границы Швеции и Норвегии.
Вторжением командовал Карл и никто другой, и здесь свалить вину не генералов уже не получится.
"Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash. " (с) W.L.S. Churchill